Stichting Tijdig organiseert samen met de
Foundation Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifici Duitsland en Nederland op
zaterdag 3 december van 9.00 tot ± 13.00 uur
in Maastricht een minicongres.
“It’s the economy, stupid!” Is that all we can say?
Catholic social teaching offers more hope!
Saturday, dec. 3 2022 Maastricht
Pontifical Mass (English) in the Basilica St. Servatius (Entrance Keizer Karelplein), with
Mgr. Dr. Everard de Jong, auxiliary bishop of Roermond
Reception in the Theater aan het Vrijthof with Coffee and vlaai
10:30 Lectures
Prof. Dr. Dr. Elmar Nass, Kölner Hochschule für Katholische Theologie (KHKT):
Why do we need Christian Social Ethics?
Prof. Dr. Paul van Geest, Erasmus University Rotterdam
View of From homo economicus to homo dignus.
The indispensability of patristics for economics, even after the Enlightenment
Panel discussion with International Students of the UM
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